Saturday, February 19, 2011

Women for Fair Voting

 Hello Everyone, Here's a site for people to take a look at under Fair Vote Canada.

Let's help make this a reality as soon as the next election.

Friday, February 18, 2011

CKCU's Asher Roth Interviews WAP/PAF

WAP/PAF's Esther Matharu was interviewed by Asher Roth for a segment on the CKCU program "Midweek" this past Wednesday, 16 February. To listen to the full interview, head on over to the newly created Media page on official the WAP/PAF website:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bringing Information to the People

There are many groups in Canada who do not vote and it is a stated aim of WAP/PAF to encourage all Canadians to vote.

Today, we approached the Chinese Canadian Cultural Centre which is in Centretown in Ottawa, and we asked if we could be included on the agenda at some point when people from the Chinese community were meeting in order to discuss electoral reform and how they can make a difference.

One of two striking lions brought from China to grace the front of the Chinese-Canadian Heritage Centre.

We may have to work through a translator but this is well worth the effort as many new Canadians are disenfranchising themselves because they may not understand our voting system, may not trust it or may feel that they will not have an effect so what's the use.

We want to change this feeling of helplessness, not just in among immigrants but for all Canadians.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In a "Formative" Stage

 As Esther and I approach people to sign the Declaration of a member of the party, many ask if they have to be an actual member to sign.

To this end, we telephoned Elections Canada and then when information seemed to be uncertain, we walked to Elections Canada on Slater Street this morning and asked if we could speak to someone who might have the proper information.

Do you know that there is no provision at Elections Canada for walk-in queries?

We created quite the little stir as two people wanting information on how to start a new federal party. After a short wait, a woman came down in the elevator and we asked her about the sections of the form that are confusing. She assured us that people signing the Declaration were signing that they were members of the party but that it was possible for people to belong to as many parties as they want as long as they vote for only one at election time.

What this means is that it is perfectly OK for someone to sign the declaration as long as they support the principles of the party and its application for registration.

Glad we got this cleared up.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Radio Interview Airing Tomorrow

Esther is the current leader of the Women's Alliance Party and she was interviewed today by Asher Roth for the Wednesday program called Midweek.CKCU is our community radio station and it is campus-based at Carleton University.

Midweek is a current affairs program the focus of which is on Canadian Politics.

The interview was conducted today at the Sunflower Cafe this morning and will be aired tomorrow, February 16, 2011 between noon and 1:30 p.m.

Please let us know if you have any comments. You can post right to this blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happenings Around Town

There was a rally by ACORN, the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now, on Preston Street outside the Ministry of Community and Social Services on Preston Street.

People are concerned that the supplemental food allowance on their ODSP monthly cheque might be cut as the government attempts to curb spending by disallowing some conditions which hitherto meant that people received additional money to help with special dietary needs.

This is a provincial matter but WAP/PAF believes in fair play and adequate income for all.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Article on WAP-PAF in Metro Ottawa

Published: February 10, 2011 5:31 a.m.
Esther Matharu with grandson Rama Alexander

Canada has fewer women in parliament than less developed countries such as Mauritania and Afghanistan, but a new  party aims to change that.

“Women want change and they are prepared to act,” says Esther Matharu, leader of the newly formed Women’s Alliance Party. “We’re steeped in a system that’s not functioning for the 21st century. The partisanship is sinking the people.”

The party has a wide range of policy stances that Matharu says will appeal to both genders, including reducing the national debt, protecting the environment, securing Canada’s international relationships and electoral reform toward proportional representation.

Matharu, 61, is an agronomist with a background in international development work. She said the birth of her grandchild two years ago inspired her to get involved in politics.

“It gave me an idea of urgency. Now is the time to do something about the world the future generation will live in,” she said.

Matharu’s party held its first public meeting last week. While attendance was hampered somewhat by a snowstorm, Matharu said the gathering went well, with attendees inspired to join the political conversation.

More information is available at